Система отзывов и взаимодействия с пользователями
- Отображение отзывов
Create a reviews display with: - Grid or list of review cards - Star rating visualization - User avatar and name - Date of review - Review content - Verified purchase badge (if applicable)
- Форма добавления отзыва
Create a review submission form with: - Star rating selection (1-5) - Text area for review content - Image upload option - Terms checkbox - Submit button with loading state - Only available for logged-in users
- Модерация отзывов
Create a moderation system for reviews: - Admin interface to approve/reject reviews - Notification to admin about new reviews - Ability to edit or remove inappropriate content - Auto-filtering of profanity
- Взаимодействие пользователей
Add user interaction features: - Like/helpful buttons for reviews - Sort reviews by rating or helpfulness - Reply functionality for business owner - Report inappropriate content button